Campus TV
Students are involved in the entire process of creating a Campus TV episode. From filming, voice over work and video editing, Campus TV enables our students to use English in a creative and engaging way.
Click on the link to see most up to date content about our school and don't forget to subscribe!
During the 2023-24 School Year our Campus TV students introduced two new elements in Campus TV. First we dabbled into our very first Podcast experience, with some of the graphics orginally designed by our students. Additionally, our Campus TV members got to experience an entire Film Production process which was conducted by our freinds at Have a listen to our podcast and watch a quick clip from our NovaLearn lead experience.
2023 Learning English Through Sports
Campus TV produced an episode where we visited another school to learn about Fencing as part of a Sports Exchange program.
2022 Student Union Results
We documented the process of how our School's Student Union elections are held. Have a look and learn a bit more about this year's Student Union
2021 OLE Finally!
After one year of having no OLE's it's good to have some activities that aren't from our textbooks!
2021 New School Year
Start of the 2021 school year, but learning never stopped for these two students
2019 Sports Day
It was an eventful few days as we showcased great sportsmanship not just with our fellow students, but also with our fellow competitors and alumnis.

2018 Meeting friends Old and New
We thought it'd be a pretty cool thing to pair some Senior Form Students/Teachers with some new incoming Form 1 students to chat about things. All ina room filled with BALLOONS!